Hej Lovin'
Jag sager Hej!
Och att Du garna far lagga till mig pa Bloglovin'! :)
Obama in Raleigh!!
Okej.. Kanske inte sag presidenten himself, men att bara vara pa plats, kanske 100 meter ungefar fran var han befann sig var en upplevelse bara det.
Det var folk overallt du sag, de stod langs gatorna intill sina hus och vinkade med sina flaggor och i korsningen bredvid byggnaden dar han befann sig (som ni ser i bakgrunden) pa forsta bilden, var det valdigt trangt emellanat. Poliser, cykeltransporter, folk (bade Obamaanhangare och republikaner) stod med sina skyltar och flaggor, bilisterna som akte forbi tutade vilt och bada helarop och bu-rop hordes utspritt vartsomhelst ifran. Lite karnival-/festivalkansla over det hela. :)
Obamaanhangare som samlats framfor TV-kamera fran Eyewitness News
Plakaten halls hogt for att visa budskapen pa nyheterna
Kvinnan som gar forbi har med barnvagnen buade hogljutt over Obama och aven hennes "familj" (damerna i gult, vitt och ljusblatt och mannen i svart (gratt?)) stamde in, dock mer lagmalt. Kvinnan var hemsk!!
Tva av de manga polisbilar som cirkulerade runt askadarplatsen
It speaks for itself
Limousin till vanster, vanlig svart bil (whatever) i mitten och till hoger Eyewitness News-bilen.. As seen on TV, especially in movies :D:D Cool!!
Camera-guy ... Surrounded!!
Cykeltransporterna jag namnde tidigare. Killen i vit troja var riktigt trevlig 0:-))
Policeman having lunch on the go.
On duty with a McD-paperbag in the middle of a parking lot - haha! :D
Gick in pa bensinstationen for att kopa mig en ICEE Blue-Raspberry, da jag fick syn pa den har snyggingen!
(Alltsa, BILEN!!)
Well, hon fotade mig, sa jag gav tillbaka!! Yay mig! :DD
Polis borjar skingra folkmassan da demokrater och republikaner borjar ha lite val hetsiga ..ehm.. "samtal".
Okay, skit i budskapet! Gillar dels hennes handstil och SPECIELLT dels O:et med flaggfarger och designen.
Forlat, jag fattar att det ar seriost med politik och sa, men.. Man maste ju forsoka se det positiva, aven om man inte haller med resten :)
Obama Bin-Lyin'!
Parodi/satir (whatever!!) pa Osama Bin-Laden.. Ifall nu nagon missade det! :p
And, who knows? Jag kanske skulle ha kunnat se presidenten himself om jag stannat kvar pa platsen, men att vara bland amerikanare pa en politisk plats ar mer intensivt an man kan tro :p
Sa mycket folk och flaggor och banderoller och tutande bilar och skrik och buarop att man blir alldeles slut!
Vem vet.. Kanske nagon dag i framtiden ;-)
Markte att det blev lite swenglish i det har inlagget, men.. Ungefar sa min svenska later for tillfallet sa - haha! ;-P
Eeegopic ^^

This is what I've been wearing all day... In case anybody was wondering :p
Man har val ett liv? ;)

Watching Disney Channel is allowed on a gray, rainy day!
And evening! :S
But, hey, haven't really been watching TV for about two months, EVEN THOUGH the TV downstairs in on practically 24/7 AND I have a TV up here in my room...
So, it's okay ;D
God morgon :)
Har ar klockan bara 9:30 AM sa jag har inte daligt samvete over att saga det ^^
Kristie vackte mig runt halv sju imorse. Hon skulle aka till FL och gick upp for att hamta vaskan.
(Brukar man inte packa dagen innan?) ((Speciellt om man ska upp sa tidigt pa morgonen?))
Naja, jag overlever nog. Kanske...
Vad hander annars idag? President Obama kommer pa besok har i Raleigh, fast downtown. Kl 11.45 am kommer han befinna sig pa Broughton High School. Lite spannande sadar, hehe!
Pa newsobserver.com kan man lasa att "all tickets for the event have already been claimed" - overraskning nagon? :p
Funderar pa att kanske fara forbi bara for att se om man kan lyckas se honom och kanske ta en bild?
"Bara for att" :D
Fast med min vanliga tur kommer jag inte se nagonting alls :p
Nu ska jag iaf ga och gora mig redo for dagen. Far se vad som hander och sker framover ^^
Vad AR nu detta???

No, it's not what you think it is!
Those are actually my fingers(!!!).. Was looking for the button to get the camera started and when I looked back on the phone I saw a video recording. Well, guess I found the button!
I'm just gonna leave it aside from now on! :O
Misstankt svensk haktad i Danmark

Okej, jag kan fatta ifall de haktar nagon for att vara misstankt for stold eller mord, eller nagot som helst BROTT..
Men for att mojligen vara svensk???
Kommer aldrig fara till Danmark i alla fall!
Silver Lake, MI (part 2)
See where this is going?:
Not? Okay, so how about now?:
(From left: Corky (Kristie's younger sister), Pat (Kristie's mom), Kristie herself and Anna.)
Let's try again:
Julie - Kristie's older sister
Oh yeah! Go-carting!
Morgan in the yellow cart; Jackson (Corky's son) and Corky in the blue
Morgan's the leader of the race - and the winner! She's a heck of a driver!!!
Blake (Morgan's cousin and Julie's older son) was a little more careful
Morgan again, this time on she didn't win, but came in second.
Number one? When he passed all we saw was some firey smoke :O
A 13-yr old girl followed by two boys. Ain't life just as it's supposed to be, Morg? ;-D
Blake (in green) - not sure if it's a smile or a sign of fear on his face, haha!
Crazy Girl (a.k.a. Anna) bumping into her cousin Maddie (Corky's daughter) with a huge grin.
I think there might be a bit evil in her. Shows we're related ;D
Have no clue whatsoever of who this guy is, but every lap he would look at the camera with a big smile on his face, so I just thought "what the heck, I'll make his day". Too bad he most likely will never know it's posted here! :p
This is also my 300th post on this blog! Just makin' it clear ;)
Silver Lake, MI (part 1)

Pat (Kristie's mom) outside of "blvd-stores" in Silver Lake, MI. Note the VERY fake palm tree ;-p
Little closer-up. Lots of flip-flops.
Kind of a nice neighborhood, don't ya think? Haha, it's all so fake. I thought they're only walls put up to look like stores, but they actually were stores, with lots of clutters in 'em!
On the other side of the stores. How can they even try to hide this place? :))
Charlie (Kristie's older sister Julie's younger son) is playing with a chain.
Those boats were real fun to ride, I rode with Maddie (Kristie's younger sister's daughter). She is one dangerous girl, I can tell y'all!
The fisherman was busy the whole time we were there and didn't say one word..
You can tell this boy is really an old man if you look at the thick spiderweb hanging between his hat and shoulder ^^
Ohio & Amish <3

Another McD, the American flag and gas ^^
A church, the American flag - and of course: McD
But, WHY outside a church? Gaah!
Kristie, waiting for Anna to come out of the bathroom. Didn't take too long :)
Americans, Americans.. What can one say? Trash all over :p
The reason for me to take this pic, was because it said:
Say Nope to Dope
It wasn't 'til I went back to N.C. that I saw it also said
Stand Strong Like An Elephant
and also
Rest In Peace Zack 9/12/81 - 11/12/05
... so taking it for 'the fun of it' actually gave it an important message as well.
Harley Davidson-drivers on three-wheelers. Bad weather outside, when you're seated inside a car, gives bad pictures sadly :/
This might have been the first real Amish farm we passed. If it was Amish, it was the first one! ^^
Where we went in to ask for directions - haha! About fifteen ppl sitting around a round table having breakfast, when Kristie and I burst(!) in. Okay, walked, but anyway. Poor family! :p
Hehe, getting closer *excited*
Sugarcreek - the Little Switzerland of Ohio.
Now, we're REAL close :D
Read the big sign. AMISH!
The outdoors flea market. Inside it was FILLED!
But, aren't those wooden sculptures sort of neat? ^^
An Amish man in his carriage.
Unfortunately, ladies and gentlemen, this is where my batteries ran out. . .
So, can't show any more, although I can tell you it was so cool seeing and meeting Amish people for real.
Just their 'wardrobes', their animals (which we were able to pet and feed - how cute is that?^^) and see what their crafts are like.
A BIG experience richer :))
Staying the night
More pics of our trip - going to Michigan. Practically about a month ago, so it's
about time!!
Hotel sign, where we spent the night. I think we were in Ohio at this point ^^
Our hotelroom was to the upper left of this picture
Inside the room. Kristie on the bed and Anna soon to brush her teeth
Off we go again. Long way to drive still!
Next to the parking lot by the hotel. Nice, isn't it? :)
Not everybody's been in the passenger seat next to Johnny Depp ;D
Try to steal him away from me? Huh, Kristie, huh?!
O-kay.. Never mind me
O-kay.. Never mind me returning the books.
Rain and thunder, I love it! <3
Not having WingNight today, although it's Monday.
Very happy about it - not much of a chicken eater.
I hope to display some pics as soon as the storm's passed! :)
Doesn't feel right doing it now.
In a bit! :)
Returning :)
Finished with the book. Guess I'm off to the library then ^^
Today today
So far:* Klatt mig.
* Sett BioHD om Olivia Newton-John med Patrik och senare aven Anna.
* Kollat Bloglovin'.
* Skickat SMS
Vill ta och svara pa kommentarer jag fatt de senaste dagarna, men ska lasa ut en bok forst sa jag kan aterlamna den till biblioteket, sista aterlamningsdatum passerat - aj aj!. Sa det ar min 1a prioritering!!
Kommer inte sola vidare mycket idag. Ansiktet och ryggen helt sonderbranda.. Men saaa vart det! :)
Kolla bilderna fran igar forstar ni varfor ^^
Pa aterseende!
Cer :)
At Wrightsville Beach :)
In the car, driving there ^^
'CrazyGirl' in the car, with her headphones outside on her new hat - cowgirl style ;D
And later she figured, she might as well just wear the hat on top of her phones, that made her hear a lot better :p
Ego-pic! (More to come - AAAH!!!)
Raven, Morgan's friend in the back of the mini-van. I LOVE this picture!
This girl is Great! So much fun! :D
Raven and Morgan (I said this before about M - don't ask!! <3)
At the beach:
Ceralia - wet, sandy and with no make-up on.. Can it get worse? :O
My new bathing suit - ain't it CUTE!!!!! Got it in Michigan (expensive, but so adorable - I love it so bad!!!!)
Just some ppl on the beach
The pier and the waves.. They were GOOOOD ^^
The other end of the pier (the middle part - didn't get pics of it^^)
On the beach: Random person. In the ocean from left: Raven, Anna, Kristie, Patrik and Morgan :)
A girl out there. I love how her head's turned here, looking for the big waves :)
Incoming: Big wave <3
More big ones - girl cheering ^^
More of 'em great waves entering!
And more to come ^^
Lunch at the pier:
Do I need say anything? ;D
Notice the lifeguard in his tower, on the middle left of this picture ;)
Lots of people out there! :D
Plane with a flyer behind. "BUY THE FAMILY DINNER $29,99" Domini's Pizza on the sign^^
Morgan - or as we now call her "Ms. Big Drinker" - and Patrik with his camera.
He told me to take the camera away from my face, and I told him back "Put your weapon down first!"
Morgan's being a bad influence... Well, as usual. (Love ya ;D)
Other side of the pier. Lifeguards (which were the one's who kept Raven alive during lunch - and all the others eating.
Lifeguards' working out - push-ups and stuff - you knew it. Raven: AOOOOOOOHHHHHH!!!!!
Haha! :D
My ice-cold Virgin Strawberry daquiri. Let me tell you - it was DEEEElicious!!!
Back on the beach
Sand on my leg. Lots of it!
Sand on the beach! Even more of it!
Need to tell you the story behind it:
I told Raven I'd go up to them and take a picture. She told me I'd never. And she dared(!) me(!!) to go ask if I could take a picture of 'em.
Well, of course I did, I asked, they posed and I got a beautiful memory! :D
So, you're hearing this straight from her new idol :D HAHA!
But c'mon! It was totally worth it!! ;DD
www.wrightsville.com/jmercer%27s_opens.htm - Om du vill se mer ^^
Gar ocksa att googla pa google.se - Bilder - Wrightsville :D
Nearing the End of my Visit!
So,, this is it: Unable to answer comments because of some sort of blocking in the system. Which sucks!!
When I've finally come up with a system that'll work for me, everything just does not work. (dot dot dot)
Anyway, that's life, you know?!
Okay, had a real nice dinner with just Patrik and Kristie (no kids) downtown Raleigh, lots of cute boys walking around the outside seating and nice dinner, conversation running smoothly. It was really nice! :)
Before that I tanned a bit, took a cleansing (;D) shower, then sat down to read and write a little. When Kristie came home we sat down by the pool and just talked for a bit.
So I think we came to the conclusion that I will(!) be going home the first week of August. Miss my life of clubbing and just hanging out, wasn't feeling that bad about it until I lived it for a week in NYC.
Then it just flushed over me and I decided it was time to go back.
Gonna miss Orlando, FL and Washington D.C., but I guess I could come back some other time and live through Florida and Cali ;D That'd be sweet!
I just think, for now, two months away from home is enough. It's hard to live with another family like this, when you're used to live by yourself, and I believe it's equally difficult for them to figure out "what to do with me", simply because I'm in 'the middle'.
But everything'll be fine. I have experienced so much during this summer and I can't wait to go back to my apt again, and go visit Ursviken and Skelleftea, and also visit my grandparents in the cabin :)
(Yeah, well the clubbing mentioned above is already stated, and friends? - yes, they are included!)
Right now, though. I need to go to sleep. We're going up early in the morning to go to the beach. It's said we ought to be in the car at 9 AM - and at the beach around 11. In other words, sunscreen is going to be used tomorrow. BIG TIME!!
Well, gotta sleep now, but hoping to be able to post a few comments tomorrow!
Take care of yourselves! :)
Guten Morgen
Nyss uppvaknad (naja, lite halvt om halvt) - och har just upptackt att annu en morgon har hela Nystedt-familjen vaknat upp och jag bara fortsatt sova. *Typiskt mig*, men ACK!, sa skont! :)
Ska ta och ga ned och gora mig klar nu sa far vi se vad som hander och sker idag :)
Hander det inget speciellt sa har jag ungefar en 6-700 bilder kvar att pavisa ^^
Ta hand om er! :)
At a gas-station in Ohio
Or so I suppose :O Might be in northern/northwestern West Virginia as well, hmmm..
Hiring! Anybody who needs a job? :)
Anybody need ice?
Our car at the parking lot. (Small pic 'cause of the plate^^)
Ppl hanging out in small gangs. 'Round the car 2nd to left, and as well close to the two cars to the farthest right.
So American :D
More of a close up on the car to the left in the pic above :)
Will try and ad more pics tomorrow. But I'm tired (11:33 PM) and my back's aching, so.. Bed now!
Hope to hear from y'all! :)
Take care
Cer :))
Ppl, GPS, P'n'T
Ride from North Carolina through Virginia, West Virginia, Ohio going to Michigan.
Anna - completely zoomed out from the world around us. Watching some movie on the DVD in the car ;)
Anna in the back of the car, just woken up. How adoreable is this picture?! I LOVE it!!:))
GPS Monitor:
Charlotte; Knoxville, Asheville, Radford; Huntington, Roanoke, Danville
My thoughts: Johnny Knoxville; and Roanoke just sounds SO Native American, who can resist that? ;D
Knoxville; Roanoke; Danville; Greensboro; Winchester
Winchester just have me think of Bam Margera.. Is that where he's from? Is Winchester in Pennsylvania?
Not completely unlikely, at leeeast :p
Places 'n' Things:
Don't know where or what - just enjoyed the shape ;)
Everybody can see this scene - well, except truck drivers.. Leave, get out! Nothing to see here!!
Nipple Mountain!!!
Or, I mean, Pilot Mountain! ..Of course. Well, the pilots gotta have something to enjoy up there as well, I suppose :)
Just some Random Drivers
Taking pictures of random people on the highway's fun. (This is from the roadtrip to Michigan in July - well, better late than never!:D)
If you pay close attention you can see that the guy who's driving past us, to the left, in the last picture is in one further up, as we were passing him as well ;-p
And, of course, a vehicle with a sorority/fraternity sign on it. Sooo Greek ^^ (The TV-show, if anybody was wondering!)
Yes, I have a life on the road as well :D
Dick and the Bitches (Uh-oh!:p)

Zoey (Nystedt family dog) beside my bed in morning. Need I tell you how scared I get when I wake up in mornings with that nose an inch from my face. Although, with the scream, I instantly get her back ^^
Zoey wondering "What the *beep* is that thing?"
My Adam & Eve StressReleaser, of course!! What did YOU think I use it for :O
Zoey has her sister Penny over for the day. Can you tell the difference? (Z to the left, P to the right)
Fun thing is: Kristie's dog Zoey is sister to Penny, who's Corky's dog - ALSO Kristie and Corky are sisters.
Ain't family a funny thing ;)
In the staircase leading up to the 3rd floor (a.k.a. my room this summer), Penny's eager to get up, Zoey gets half pushed away :p
I turn around for like half a second and then turn back, and then Penny - the sneaky bitch (female dog, yes!) is sneaking up on me. Zoey still playing the 'good dog'. But of course I let them up again ^^ ... And again :p
Tva SMS bara :)
Ett ar fran en av Morgans vanner som skickade ett roligt textmeddelande till mig:
"Hey baby, it's me. Wanna come over to MySpace and Twitter my Yahoo 'til I Google all over your Facebook?"
Okej, jag ma ha dalig humor, men det har var faktiskt kul!! HAHA!!:D
Och ett annat som Sofia (7) i NYC skickade till sin mamma fran min mobil, nar mamman var pa jobbet:
"Hello mamma what are you doing right now . are you having fun . are you at school or work . tell me everything you can . love Sofia xoxo
p.s Thomas loves you to."
(July 17, 11:31 am)
Hur sott ar inte det att fa av sin dotter? Till och med jag blev gratmild. JAG VILL OCKSA HA ETT SANT MEDDELANDE AV MIN (framtida) DOTTER!!!
Behover jag tillagga att Malin (mamman) ocksa var valdigt rord? :))
Nar fantasin skenar ivag
Tillbaka efter babysittningen. Fem timmars "jobb" - 60 dollar i lon - MKT bra :))
Lite skumt bara. De (mamman och pappan i familjen) hade sagt att jag skulle sitta barnvakt at tvillingar och nar jag kom dit var det ett par sma ljusa killar (ca 18 manader gamla) och en trearig kille som var tre och ett halvt och morkhyad.
Min forsta tanke var sjalvklart att de adopterat honom eller att han var fran nagon av tvillingforaldrarnas tidigare forhallanden.
Det som jag hade svarare att inse var varfor de hela tiden "glomde bort" 3,5-aringen nar det gallde vilka tider som gallde och vad som skulle goras och aven varfor det fanns bilder pa tvillingarna over hela huset och bara EN synlig pa "storebrodern", i trappuppgangen..
Borjade tanka saker som "Shit, tank om de inte kunde fa barn fran borjan och sa adopterade de ett, vilket ledde till att nar de senare fick EGNA barn, sa 'angrade' de adoptionen."
Fast alltsa, inte angra-angra, men typ att de stotte ut honom och alskade sina biologiska barn mer.. eller nat.
Ni vet hur det blir nar fantasin skenar ivag med en...?! :S
USCH, sa fel jag hade! Det visade sig att den har treariga pojken var pappan i familjens barnbarn(!!). Det var hans 22-ariga dotters lille son.
Jahaja, dar ser man. Kommer bli generationsdilemman senare, da den nu 3,5 arige pojken borjar inse att de nu ettariga tvillingarna ar hans morbroder.
Fast.. De kommer nog over det ocksa! :)
Har harmed lagt upp 569 nya bilder fran New York och den korta tiden darefter. Ska ta och ga igenom dem nu sa ni ska fa chans att del av dem pa bloggen :)
Har nedan kommer nagra bilder fran Fujisan (i Brier Creek, North Carolina), dar de lagar maten en typ... halvmeter framfor dig :p
Soppan ma se vattnig ut, men sa ar icket fallet. Matigare och godare soppa har jag aldrig smakat.
Trots att den mestadels bestar av buljong var man nastan matt efter att ha atit den. Och det var den "lilla forratten".
Se sa tjusigt han lagger upp lokringarna (tror jag det ar), haller olja i mitten av dem och...
Massa mat! :D
Min tallrik innan kott och gronsaker kom. Tror du man blev matt? ^^
And it was GOOOOD (fran vanster: Kristie, Anna och Morgan)
Aningen suddig, men han var duktig var personlige kock :D
Satt uppe bara
Satt uppe bara ett extra tag till for att kolla om jag kunde klara designa nagot sjalv med hjalp av designa din blogg-bloggen, men det sag inte alls ut som det gjorde for henne/honom pa stilmallen sa.. Jag ar kord!
Nu ar det iaf dags att ga och lagga sig.
Helt slukord verkligen!!
Puss och Kram!
Vackert & Jobbigt
Lang kvall. Fick tvatta om tva maskiner.
En mork och en sangklader...
Detta p.g.a. lillan i familjen lagt in sin sandiga och grasiga ryggsack i torktumlaren..
Kul? Neeej..
Iaf, fragade henne varfor hon la in den dar. Hon sa att det lag redan klader dar inne som ocksa skulle tvattas sen.
Halla? Vet inte en 10-aring om att man tvattar kladerna i tvattmaskinen innan man TORKAR dem?
*Aningen bitter, forlat*
Det gjorde ju som egentligen ingen storre skada, bara jag som ar trott och kanner mig aningen tjurig.
Meeeen.. sant som hander.
Iaf fyller mamma ar imorgon (eller idag for er Sverigebor :p), sa ska ta och lagga mig nu sa jag kan ringa till henne tidigt pa morgon (MIN morgon) och sjunga sa vackert sa.
Ne, ska bara halla tyst. Min mamma uppskattar inte skonsang!
Glomskan ar det sista som overger en - eller hur det nu var :p
Okej.. Barnvaktandet vid poolkanten var alldeles for latt for mig :p De stod VID poolkanten i kanske tio minuter, hoppade i hand i hand (mys!!), det var ISkallt se de skrek till och flog upp och in i varmen igen. Hah!!
I ovrigt var det jattemysigt att sitta ute och lasa nar solen var framme, da den gick i moln daremot blev man levande uppaten!!
Shit! Kom just pa att jag inte tagit ut de sista kladerna ur torktumlaren annu!!
Kanske dags att gora det nu, en sisadar tre-fyra timmar efterat xP
Btw, ska vara barnvakt at tvillingar till en kille pa grillen vi gar till under WingNight imorgon. Tvillingar! Gosh!
Runt 6-6.30 nagot var den preliminara tiden och sedan kanske tva timmar framat (hur lang tid tar ett biobesok?:p). Svensk tid: Midnatt och framat :)
Clean 'n tidy
Vaskorna uppackade, kladerna (snart helt) tvattade och rummet ser ungefar ut som det gjorde innan jag akte, fast mycket renare nu ^^
Sista tvatten och sen galler det bara for torktumlaren att gora sitt jobb (vilken den tyvarr ar caldigt dalig pa!). Men men.
Sa till Anna att hon kunde ga over till Maddie (hennes kusin) och hamta henne till poolen, sa kunde de bada samtidigt som jag vaktar dem. Sitter ju inte direkt och ar involverad i deras simtag, utan sitter vid sidan om och laser eller skriver eller nagot sant dar mysigt som jag gillar :)
Gross Jokes and more
Gardagens inlagg.. Borta! Alltihopet!
Ajja, vad gor man? Man kommer over det saklart!! :)
Hittade just en rolig bok i Annas rum "Gross Jokes" - som mestadels innehaller 'dsigusting jokes'.
What can I say - I like it ;p
Skriver ned nagra har, bara for att ^^
Why did Piglet look in the toilet?
He was looking for Pooh.
What is the soft stuff between sharks' teeth?
Slow swimmers.
What's brown and sounds like a bell?
Whar does a boy monster do when a girl monster rolls her eyes at him?
He rolls them back to her.
Mom, everyone at school calls me a werewolf. - Don't worry about it, just comb your face.
What has two gray legs and two brown legs?
An elephant with diarrhea.
What's red and green and goes at 120 mph?
A frog in a blender.
- Daddy, can i have another glass of water, please?
- Okay, but that's the twelfth one you've had tonight.
- Yes I know, but my bedroom's still on fire.
What color is a hiccup?
She's so ugly, when a wasp stings her, it has to shut its eyes!
There's no point in telling some people a joke with a double meaning. Thay wouldn't undrestand either of them!
A girl walked in to a beauty salon. The barber asked her, "Did you dye your hair green?" She replied, "Oh, it's natural. I put my hand on my nose ans rubbed it into my hair."
The monster mother asked her son what he was doing with a saw, and if he'd seen his brother.
"You mean my new half-brother, Mom", he replied.
Roger was in a full bus when an extremely large lady opposite said to him, "If you were a gentleman, you'd stand up and let someone else sit down."
"And if you were a lady," Roger replied, "you'd stand up and let four people sit down!"
Teacher: "How was your vacation, Penny?"
Penny: "Great. My brother and I spent the whole time on the beach, burying eachother in the sand."
Teacher: "That sounds like fun."
Penny: "Daddy says we can go back next year and find him."
What is black and white and red all over?
A nun in a blender.
What's Mozart up to now?
Why do farts smell?
So that deaf people can appreciate them too.
What do you find up a clean nose?
How can you help a hungry cannibal?
Give him a hand.
Two cannibals were having lunch.
"Your girlfriend makes a great soup", said one to the other.
"Yes!" agreed the first, "But I'm going to miss her!"
What do vegetarian cannibals eat?
What does a cannibal say when a bus load of tourists drives past?
Why don't cannibals eat weather forecasters?
Because they give them wind.
When the canibal crossed the Pacific on a cruise ship, he told the waiter to take the manu away and bring him the passenger list!
- Mommy, mommy, Daddy's on fire.
- Quick! Go get the marshmallows!
- Mommy, Mommy, I have a splinter in my finger!
- Schratching your head again?
- Mommy, Mommy, what are you doing with that axe . . .
- Mommy, Mommy, why are we pushing the car off the cliff?
- Shhh! You'll wake your father.
- Doctor, my nose is running.
- You'd better catch it quick.
- Doctor, I keep stealing things.
- Take one of these pills and if that doesn't help, bring me a computer.
- Doctor, I'm at death's door.
- Don't worry, I'll pull you through.
- Doctor, what does this X-ray of my head show?
- Unfortunately nothing.
- Doctor, something is preying on my mind!
- Don't worry, it will probably starve to death.
- Doctor, it hurts when I do this!
- Well, don't do that.
And so on...
Yes, I have a life. Although not at this exact moment ^^
What a ride ;D
Nar jag satt pa planet visade det sig att det skulle bli en riktigt trevlig resa.
Killen framfor mig var halvsvensk/halvfransk och amerikanare sedan tio ar tillbaka - och HET som attan!!!!
Shit alltsa. Inte latt vara tjej jamt ^^ Dock ar han bara 18, sa.. Borde val egentligen inte tanka nagot alls 0:-) Hehe!
Iaf, tillbaka i Raleigh nu. Varit ute pa WingNight och pratat med familjen Nystedt samt suttit framfor datan. Man har val ett liv ;P
Helt avliden dessutom. Var langesedan jag kande mig sa trott som jag gor nu. Men ska inte klaga. Om allt ar som det brukar vara har, sa vaknar jag inte nar de gar upp pa morgonen och kan sova ut! Mm, wonderful thought!
Borde ta och lamna datorn och sidan nu - ga och packa upp och gora fint har runtomkring. Kom dessutom hem till en helt nystadat rum!! Fab ;D Stadpatrullen glomde inte the 3rd floor denna gang - thank God!
Ska se om jag hinner med att lagga upp bilder ikvall. Kan handa att jag faller ratt ner i sangen om typ nagra minuter bara :O
Take care, hunnies!
Bada mina vaskor ar sprangfyllda! Skamtar inte - var tvungen sitta pa den ena for att fa laset att ga igen. Shit, alltsa! Maste snarast fa mig ivag till Raleigh och fixa ihop ett litet "paket" att skicka hem till mamma i Skelleftea!
Sista timmarna i New York. Kanns vemodigt. Har varit sa underbart kul att vara har! Och DYRT! Kollade nyss upp mitt bankkonto. Har bara drygt 600 kr kvar och taxiresan kostar runt 300, sa... Nagon som onskar donera?^^
Ska tvardra ned till baren igen, ta lite bilder av den (vilket jag inte gjorde igar kvall, tyvarr) och sen ar det dags att dra.
Langtar fortfarande hem till lagenheten i Umea, funderar pa att kanske dra dit i borjan av augusti trots allt. Mitt hem, mitt HEM!
Naja, drar nu! Skriver senare
och hoppas pa att lagga ut bilder.
Det ar dock mandag, vilket i Raleigh och familjen Nystedt innebar WingNight, sa antar att det ar dit vi ska nar jag kommer tillbaka ^^
Kram pa er!
Take care,,
Nu bar det snart av! :(
Snart aker jag tillbaka till Raleigh.. Langtar? Njae, hade garna stannat har en vecka till faktiskt! ALSKAR detta stalle!!!!!!
Och alla pojkar jag traffat pa baren och runt omkring ;D ;D Sa himla manga mysiga manniskor!! <3
Ahh, kommer sakna!
Haha, nagra har sagt att de ska komma och halsa pa mig i Sverige - far se hur det blir med det, men JAKLIGT(!!!) kul har det varit!
Tre timmar kvar innan jag aker mot flygplatsen, Malin och Andrew ar pa jobbet, Sofia har gatt ivag med sin nanny, sa nu ar det bara jag och Thomas har!
Ska ta och packa ihop det sista nu (neeeeeeeej!) och se om jag ska tvardra forbi baren en sista gang! :((
Kram pa er alla!
Skriver nar jag kommer fram till Raleigh!
Om det blir som jag tankt mig, kommer aven fler bilder fran underbara NYC laggas ut ikvall! :))
Take care!
Min SISTA dag i NYC!
Har precis atit frukost - klockan ar 12 har. Sofia ville gora bagels at oss och med ugnens fart tog det tva timmar att gora dem. Var saaaa hungrig - och det var gott :D
Ska ta och bege mig in till Manhattan, vill njuta av denna sista dag.
Hangde pa baren igar kvall. Helt underbart kul! Massa pojkar dar, sa hade valdigt trevligt! ;D Of course!
Ska forsoka komma ihag att ta lite bilder pa folk dar ikvall. Sista natten - buhuuu!
Ska gnalla mer sen - haha! - men nu ar det dags att dra ivag!
Har typ fortfarande en miljon bilder att lagga upp, men det far bli nar jag kommer tillbaka till Raleigh!
Kram Kyss
Take care!:)
Bastille Day - Smith St., Brooklyn
Sofia and I on our way out xD
Manhattan/Brooklyn bridges

We're going there to see the bridges (Manhattan bridge and Brooklyn bridge), but there was something else going on as well. And HEY, notice the background!!!

Manhattan (steel) bridge :)

Newle married couple walking away. Such a beautiful bride - and the groom did have more hair when standing still ^^

Li'l Sofia in front of the Brooklyn (brick) bridge. Isn't it beautiful?:))

The wedding "chapel" :) Notice the (pink!) flowers!

Old Brooklyn Bridge vs. Modern Manhattan
Contrasts - I love! Typical me:D
The Statue of Liberty (and some more^^)


In front of the Statue of Liberty - my proof, I
have seen it!^^

Three small girls in front of the Statue of statues. From the left: Sofia (7), Anna (10), Morgan (13)

Taxi boat, wonder how many ppl on there are tourists? Hmmmmm.. Percentage?
Btw, on the side of the boat, in between the windows and the brown/grey/green line above the water on it's back it says IKEA. Just so you Swedes know: We're not forgotten!! :D
Something took the girls mind off the Statue and they started flinging rocks. Just to calm you down, they didn't hit the Statue. Not once. Not at all. Not even close. Not even!

Anna (threatening Morgan): If you don't give me your purse, I'll throw this rock at you!
(I think that's what was going down 0;p)

Anna's got her rock in her hand, Sofia and Morgan still trying to find the right ones ;p

Look at Morgan's hair! Doesn't it look great <3 That girl knows what she's doing!!

SO thankful Anna's arm didn't snap! Not because it would have hurt her, but because it would've been
Haha, nah, just kidding, cutie :)

Finding something?^^

Now BOTH Morgan and Anna have got it. But I'm wondering,
what is Sofia up to back there?!?

The Crazy Girls; they were trying to fling simultaneously, but.. Not too sure they succeeded here :p

AH, hey girls!! :) Looking very cute today! <3

Probably not running no more. But it sure is beautiful!! :))

On the parking lot, going back 'home' to Carroll St. Isn't that a lovely house? Intriguing, to say the least!=D
T & S (+A)
Thomas as a Coach-bag model :D

Now a Coach AND NYC-model. Gotta bring in the big cash, this one!!^^

But,, then again,, maybe not!!


Now the boy has found his sister's Barbie

Above: Losing his Coach-contract
Below: Believe it or not, but he's actually spinning the Barbie in his right hand, haha!!

Thomas and Sofia playing tickles in T's room

Tall Daddy (Andrew)says it time to go to sleep! Guess he was mostly referring to his own kids, but I was tired (and a Good Girl^^) so I got into bed as well.
Below: Just one last quick picture ;D

Random ppl on a subway train
Chinatown - central, exotic, crowded
Six feet under - nah, probably deeper down
Not that we went there, but we saw the sign^^

Above and Below: Cutie Malin!:))

Morgan (no questions asked!), Anna and Texting-Kristie :) On our way to Chinatown, where we'd meet up Patrik :)

College commercials. Two, with like a foot in between. Wonder how many ppl went home and decided to look it up - except for me, that is. And I still haven't ^^
The New York Public Library

Didn't go in there, sadly. But I, at least, saw it from the outside. It's a very interesting building.
(If you look closely at the top two pics, you can see the lions are "attacked" by pidgeons. So they're completely harmless kittens ^^
Random NYC-pics

Swedish flag, in the middle of Manhattan. (Svenska Kyrkan, in case anybody was wondering^^)

HAHA :D When I couldn't find a bookstore, I took what I
could find^^

Empire State - you see it sticking up ^^

Morgan and Kristie having lunch! REAL good food, I must admit!
Below: Malin and Morgan :)

American Girl-store
What every girl wants! The whole 3-storey high store!
Lots of dolls with different names, different backgrounds, from different times.
On every glass window it says something about the dolls, and inside you can see their clothes, samples from their lifestyle and above the glass there's a picture of how they look "in real life" + showing of "the dolls books". It's an entire world - mostly for selling of course, but it's definitely worth a visit.
The pics below are just samples of what is there, and the dolls and the faces I'm showing later on are not matching or anything, just showing the best pictures I got from that store ^^

Below: Swedish immigrant with her tradition from back home. (Wasn't stuff a lot cuter in the olden days, more traditional at least ;D) You all know Lucia but look at the girl to the left. HOW ADOREABLE IS THAT?!?!! <3

Above: Look at the nightgown on the doll to the left! <333 (Kirsten dolls both of those above - so Swedish tradition)

Above: My personal favorite: Kit!! Olden days-housewife!
Love it so bad!
Just take a look of her ironing - what can I say; I fell for her!! :)

The French girl

The Slave girl.
I was shocked, but that's her 'image'. Say whatever you like about it, my head was spinning at the store!!
I am aware that she's 'from' 1864, but where does it place
today's young black girls? :S

The Native American girl

The All-American girl (I think :O!!)
The reason I posted two pictures of her? Pay attention to the lamp on pic 2. Isn't it cool?:D

The Swedish Immigrant girl

She might be Swedish 'cause of her name and the colors of the flowers in her hair, but.. Got no idea!
Give 'em a visit!! Downtown Manhattan!
ALL pictures above from 2nd floor.
3rd floor pics:
I found me some BABIES!!:D

Hey, look at the clothes of these twins. Adorable!! <3

Now, THIS is just insane!!:

OKAY!! This might be a way to "stop" unemployment, but how will you take yourself seriously when you have a job of brushing dolls hair and wiping their faces? As a GROWN UP woman?
Guess it's 'fun' for the kids or whatever, but.. still.. You know, what I mean!!
Sofia (7) here in N.Y. has her own American Girl-doll (of course :p) and I just discovered this morning that they're actually able to stand by themselves.
Mooooommy, I want a doll like thaat!!!!! (He He)
God Eftermiddag Fran New York
Har fortfarande inte kunnat sova en natt sedan jag kom hit. Vet inte vad det ar, men det ar nagonting som gor att jag bara inte kan somna in :S
Langtar lite smatt tillbaka till Raleigh, GUD vad Patrik kommer mobba mig - for min egen skull hoppas jag att jag sover i tre dagar, sa jag orkar med nagonting igen!!
Stryker det jag sa igar att jag skulle gora idag. Eftersom jag ar sa slut tankte jag packa ihop alla tillhorigheter, sortera ut och stada till o.s.v. idag. Tankte ta en heldag och lagga upp bilder pa bloggen och bara vara.
Tankte, tar jag det lugnt idag sa orkar jag forhoppningsvis med en heldag pa Manhattan imorgon!:))
Snart tillbaka
- och da MED BILDER!!!
Miss y'all! <3
Got s-t-u-c-k on FB - found this new compare-your-friends game. Addictive!
Had hoped to get some pics up tonight, but I'm honestly exhausted!!
Malin and Sofia have gone to bed, Andrew and Thomas are sitting on the couch watching TV, and I'm stuck in the kitchen by the comp.
Started longing home a lot! LOVE it here, but I'm starting to feel sort of lost, although I'm meeting a lot of new ppl at the moment. Something's just missing, like family and friends that I know since before.
Well, it seems like my day tomorrow's fully booked. Going to New Jersey for some kind of party and then there's some kind of fare over on Coney Island and there's also something over in a park on Manhattan that I've been told to visit. I've also promised to go back to the bar here in Bkln tomorrow, but if I feel like staying on Mttn or Coney, I think I'll just go there Sunday instead!^^
We'll see how this turns out.
Going to bed now, hoping to get a real good night's sleep!
Hope you've slept well, bloggers!<3
Take care! :)
C in da ghetto! (Yes, that IS cool!)
Oh My God, What A Night!
Went to Manhattan's Upper East Side and the Beauty Salon, got everything done (took about two hours) and then went back down, twenty blocks(!) and took the subway train to go back home.
At East Broadway station the train stopped, picked up passengers and wouldn't start again. We could here ppl screaming where the driver's seated and had absolutely NO IDEA what was going on.
Suddenly they said "Police investigation ahead, everybody step out of the train, everybody get off the train...". We got out, stood outside and... well, just shrugged!
Personnel told us there'd been some kind of drama at Jay St-station and that the trains wouldn't start running for another hour.
Well, it was probably not to long for me to walk home to Carroll, Brkln - but it was dark outside and I'm a small-sized girl in NEW YORK!! So, I'd started talking to this guy on the train, so I asked him if he wanted to go get a drink or something.
We went up, got the drinks and walked around. He didn't live far from where the train'd stopped, just another station, so we walked towards his place.
The guy was 20, still living with his parents in the N.Y.-ghetto area :D I was amazed by every step we took, these fenced-in basketball courts and the old houses that somewhat looks as if they'll fall apart at any time. I LOVED IT!!
Didn't take any pictures though, but it was so cool!
This guy was really nice, and he took me home to meet his parents (in the ghetto - how cool is that xDD)!
I lagenheten, som var valdigt nedgangen och sa, krop det runt myror och skalbaggar pa vaggar och golv, trots att vi var pa fjarde eller femte vaningen. Hans styvfar stod och stekte mat i en flottig, vit t-shirt (vilket kandes valdigt mycket som i en film^^).
Egentligen var hela erfarenheten som att sitta och se en ghettofilm, bade omrades- och boendemassigt. Tank er typ Eminem i 8 mile - ni vet husvagnsboendet med nedsuttna soffor, daliga (LAGA) sangar o.s.v. Ungefar sa var det - och det var verkligen haftigt att ha sett/upplevt det! (Aven om jag saklart fattar att det maste vara jobbigt att leva sa pa riktigt.)
Efter "lagenhetsvisningen" - dar ocksa hans kompis satt och vantade pa honom nar vi kom dit -, drog vi tillbaka till tunnelbanan och jag akte hem. Det var verkligen jattefina killar, riktigt jakla roliga och harliga! Kul att ha traffat dem bada!:)
Thank you guys for last night! It was an experience to remember <3
Ny look ikvall!
Ska upp pa Manhattans Upper East side (soooo Gossip Girl^^) och fixa haret. 6.30 PM ska jag infinna mig och kommer dra ivag om ungefar 45 minuter. Tunnelbana pa kvallen, liiiite nervos, men tror det ska ga bra! Folk har val gjort det forr.. Eller? Eller??? ELLER??????
Nej da, det gar forhoppningsvis bra. Funderar pa att dra ut till baren har borta ikvall igen. Mysigt att bara vara sadar. Har totalt anvant alldeles for mycket pengar den har veckan, maste ta och lugna ned mig nagra kilon innan jag aker tillbaka till Raleigh!
Saknar min lagenhet i Umea och min MAMMA i Skelleftea sa oerhort mycket!!!!!!!!
Pratade just med henne och det ar helt sjukt att jag saknar henne sa har mycket! Det borde inte vara mojligt!
Hon ar ju sa tjatig jamt - men mammaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, jag SAKNAR dig!!!!!
(Vet att jag later urbarnslig, men det hjalps inte!)
Ska ta och vila lite innan jag aker ivag, sa hors senare!^^
Kram, kyss, adieu!
Bkln vs Manhattan - hard choice!
On track w. Bloglovin'!
Am gonna get ready and maybe go out for a while, don't know if I'm gonna stay here in Brooklyn or maybe take the subway to Manhattan. Hmmmm..
Well, one step at a time.
Getting ready's my priority no. 1 ^^
Later! ;-D
8.48 AM - New York
Dutt kicka mamma!! ^^
Now, what's going on? Been to the WTC yesterday, not much to see there really although just the feeling of THAT being where it happened, makes such an impact! There's this church right next to it, where there is this sort of memorial set up. Really beautiful. Took pictures of it, so hopefully I'll get them posted one of these days ;p
Otherwise, just waiting for Malin to get up so we all can start our day.:p Andrew's off to work, Sofia's on the couch next to me and Thomas is up in his room with Sam who pulled an overnighter. And I'm by the comp, so suppose I'm satisfied for some time ;)
Take care, bloggers!
Antoher day in the N.Y.
Okay, this is the deal: I have my pictures on Malin's laptop, which has been at her work for the past couple of days, so when it returns I hope to find some time to put them up.
I found a really cute outside bar in the middle of Brooklyn (like two blocks away) that I went to last night. I made contacts with two guys in the bar and two waiters in the restaurant :D SO going there tonight as well!!! (If I'm not too tired, that is!)
On my way out now! Going to see the World Trade Center and maybe a quickie over to see the Statue of Libert from Manhattan as well, as I've already seen it from Brooklyn ;p
Lovin' it!!
Well, better get going before Thomas throws me out of his room, waiting for the comp and is not very patient about it :O :O Haha!
Take care, bloggers!!
Days go by leaving no trace.. except sleepiness 0;-p
1st of all: Don't think ANY of my comments have reached their destinations the past three days :(
2nd of all: Have taken millions of pictures (or so it feels) and will try to get them up on the blog asap. Although I'm only in N.Y. for about six more days, and I'm not really willing spending them on the comp! I'm sure you understand :)
3rd of all: Soooo tired, going to bed. Am babysitting Sofia a couple of hours tomorrow morning, so maybe then I'll be able to get som pics on the blog. She likes making me blog and mixture with pictures, so that won't be a problem for sure ;P
Good night, bloggers!
Hope you'll receive my comments in the future!!:)
xoxo, take care!
Contrasting items... You think?!?!

Stone church with gothic architecture put in between two plain modern glass structure buildings... Honestly, which is more beautiful?
(Just a few blocks down from Rockefeller Center)
Rockefeller Center!!
Just out of the subway on our way to Rockefeller Center. The first thought about New York: Wow, it's really TALL!!

From the left: Kristie, Anna, Morgan and Malin, looking back, thinking; "Where'd she gooo?"

And the high buildings keep on coming, and Malin's still looking back at me. Is she frightened by my appearance, or is it the fact there's a camera? Hmm...?

Tall enough for ya? (You ain't seen NOTHING yet!)

Read the green sign - oh yeah, baby!!

The line outside of Rockefeller Center. Wait in line? Us? Not happening! We're discovering N.Y., we don't have time for that stuff!! ;)

Rockefeller Plaza - how many flags can you spot?:p

NOW we're talking height!!

Yeah, it takes two pictures to get the 'whole picture' of the Rockefeller Center, seen from the Rockefeller plaza ^^ (Might not be completely in sync, but... You can amuse yourselves puzzling it together ^^

Open Tour Bus passing by Rockefeller Plaza. Tourists!! Blah! They're EVERYWHERE!! 0:-))

Completely unknown ppl (to you, not to me^^) beside the plaza. The girl in purple is looking down at it!

Inscriptions to the right of the ppl. If you look to the sides you can see pieces of the plaza, among other things; peoples heads passing by! :)

The flags to the left and to the right (someone tell me how many there are?^^):

Alla vakna, uppstigna.
On our way to Chinatown, I believe. Going there will be the Nystedts, Malin and I. Andrew will be staying home with the kids, they are both having friends over.
Will try to take a lot of pictures wherever we're going! Just off to find my cam first,
Update later this afternoon!
(On your side of the world - late night, maybe even early morning^^)
Take care, 'til then!
/ Cer, Thomas and Sofia!!!
In New Yoooooooork :D :D :D :D :D
Thomas did the last smiley face in the row above!
Just arrived in NEW YORK!!!
Sitting in my second-cousin Thomas' room.
He's 11 and his sister Sofia's 7. They live with their parents (of course) Malin and Andrew in this beutiful house. It it so open and airy and completely wonderful!! <3
So.. On the way here I saw my very first real life laundromat, that was cool. We were riding a yellow cab through New York - that IS cool, OKAY?!!
But,, we missed out on the Statue of Liberty, cause the plane went right over it, instead of beside it. Sad news:(
Anyways, better be gettin' goin' before there's a rush for the bathrooms.
You know, with 8 people (Johnson's, Nystedt's (- Patrik) and me) it easily gets crowded, and I believe we're gonna be nine tomorrow, when Patrik comes - don't know if he's staying the night or not, but.. We'll see!
Gotta go now!
Try to take some pics tomorrow. Believe we're going to Chinatown ;)
Take care, bloggers!
Kram och kyss!
Some random pics

Anna (10) and Kristie at the Party Store in Brier Creek.
Pay attention to the elf ears on Kristie's man body! Ain't they just adorable!! ;D
Me, after just waking up.
Like THE worst hairday, haha <3
North Hills :)
The place I, in an earlier post, described as the most 'American' place I've visited. Still is!
You can tell just by looking at the car ;)

Standing at an intersection.
Above: Looking to the left
Below: To the right
Below: Even farther on the left side, seen from the intersection. Jolly's store and part of the Renaissance.
Below: Read yourselves! ;p
Below: Don't you just love this lamps ;D Outside of the restaurants/cafeteria corner :)
Outside of Starbucks we're these beautiful flowers planted. Gotta love some color! <3
YIELD - Keep Right. If you Keep Left don't yield, just drive fast as hell!!!
Above: Just in case you forgot were we're at! No, just kidding! I love these lampposts/poles.. Whatevahh!!
Below: Say Bye-Bye to North Hills and Hello to the parking lot.
Conclusion: North Hills - I love!!!<333
Yukkie spider!

In Corky's garage. Corky is my mom's cousin's wife's sister. Follow that??
Corky is the sister of Kristie, the mom in the Nystedt family.
My first friend in the US + Patrik

Above: Not just a frog by the poolside, no no - also my first BFF when arriving in Raleigh ^^
Below: Patrik, when taking me out for some food and drink (I think I drank more, I was NOT used to this sort of heat - which I'm still not really, although a lot more accustomed).
I also believe this was my first time at Lynnwood, where the Nystedts have Wing Nights every Monday :))
PICTURES!!! Plane ride!

Above: Pictures of the Swedish coastline; Umea - Sthlm; Sthlm on my way to Philly
Below: Philadelphia spotted! + plane's right wing.

Below: Landed in PHILADELPHIA! On US-ground - cooooool =D
Well... Dont you?
Somedays you just hate 'em boys, dont you?
Not that sexy for sure
So tired now. Just discovered I haven't answered ANY comments since May 20th... Is that really possible?!
God I stink! So sorry, but at least I've answered a few from June and July today.. So I guess it's coming.
Just got Morgan to walk Zoey, which only took me about 15 minutes. This family's got a big dog, but they don't really exercise her. And she needs to be exercised!!
I've taken her out for some walks since I got here, but it's just way to hot for a girl from northern Sweden to walk in this heat for very long. All that's left of me coming back is just a sweat-trail on the concrete.
Not a sexy look, I can tell you that for sure!
Oh, well.. Better get back to the laundry! Not much left now =DD
See ya later, gangstahzz!
Pictures all sorted out! Ye-hes!!
Just done sorting through my pictures. 293 pictures in the Recycle Bin. Still have like 300 left so no worries.
HOPEFULLY now, I'll figure out how to put them up on this blog to show!
Right now I have to eat and continue doing the laundry *good girl today*
Morgan'll be home in like half an hour and Anna in an hour and a half, so better get to it!!
Take care!
Drama Drama Drama
Not Teen Drama though, Adult Drama!
So much more fun! And REAL!
Teens are just a mess - so glad I'm not! (hohoho)
Need to tell you something that could have ended in disaster though!!:
Chase was outside the house (and some other kids as well, but they're not included in this story, so WhatEver!).
I was drinking my icecold water and Chase was... well, being CHASE! So I decided to throw some of the water on him.
So I did! He fell of his skateboard from the "distraction" and I decided that, since there was so little water left in the glass I'd just throw that as well. So I did! But there was STILL some left (...)
I tried to throw it at him, but the glass slipped out of my hand, out on the concrete, right next to Chase. There was suddenly small pieces of glass ALL OVER!!! I ran down the steps and lifted his arm up, since his elbow, especially, was in the danger zone of having been severely cut.
Luckily, he didn't get a scratch from it (Thank You, God!).
I did, though. TWO! On my left hand, from picking the glass up.
Instant pay-back, I admit, I deserved it! Just so thankful HE didn't get hurt. After all he IS just a kid! ://
Happer news:
AM going to New York this Friday, don't know for how long, but at the very least 'til Saturday next week, maybe longer :)
AND Aug 1st we're going to see a Nickelback concert!
...AND in Aug we are also going to... Florida!!! =D
Or at least so it seems, but I am sooo taking the happiness beforehand! It is well worth it!
Well, gotta go to bed now, so... Sweet dreams, bloggers!
I'll be in my room, sleeping in my bed, with Zoey on the floor!
(Not a human friend, she's a dog, I promise!!)
Big Kiss
(And A Special Hug Just For You Chase - I Won't Miss Next Time!!;D)
Dagen har gatt till Michael Jacksons ara. Har suttit klistrad vid TV - men faktiskt bara gratit vid tva enstaka tillfallen (annars brukar jag tomma alla vattenbehallare i min kropp^^). Forsta gangen var vid Brooke Shields tal. So heartfelt!
Och andra nar Paris sa sitt officiella farval till sin pappa. Guuuud, sa fint det var! Vilken modig flicka!!
Om han sag henne dar hon stod, sa kan han nog inte ha varit mer stolt over henne - liksom, herregud!, JAG kande mig stolt!!
Direkt efter (typ en halv minut) kom Morgan hem fran skolan, sa har suttit ute med henne, Chase och Devon pa farstutrappen och snackat lite skit :) Mys!!^^
Men teen drama blir latt lite jobbigt i langden, sa jag gick in och satte mig har *hej hej*.
Har tyvarr inte hunnit med att sortera nagra bilder idag, hoppas kunna klara av en bit till ikvall och kanske kanske kanske aven hinna lagga ut nagra.
Hade tagit 515 bilder och har bara sorterat till 252 hittills, sa det finns lite att gora!!
Fick iaf over de till datorn, bara DET ar ju en bravad!
Om ungefar en timme drar vi ivag pa restaurang. Ska aka runt 18.10. Blir japanskt och uppenbarligen ar det en san dar servering dar de slanger upp fisken och filear den i luften, eller vad man nu ska saga :p
Ska ta med kameran, sa far vi se om det blir nagra bilder eller ej. Det borjar iaf vara pa g nu!!^^
Ska ta och stada till i rummet mitt lite nu. Vet inte riktigt vad som har hant, men det ser rent helvetiskt ut har inne.
Eller nej, det gor det nog inte egentligen, men ska anda plocka undan ^^
So, bye for now from Raleigh, North Carolina! :))
My day didn't turn out so long :)
Morning: Sleeping
Noon 'til 2: Morgan and I up in my room talking boysboysboys - and I think there were some crossword puzzles in the mix as well ;)
2: Went to Wendy's for lunch - my lunch consisted of a milkshake - ah, so good!!!
After lunch: Went to Walgreens and looked at makeup with Morgan, Anna and Patrik.. Even though P wasn't all too hype on the make up *hee hee*
After Walgreens: Back to the House and walked to Target - not that long a walk bot H.O.T.!! Purchased what I needed (don't ask!) and walked back to the house, where I had like three glasses of water like THAT!!
5:30: Went to Lynnwood (next to Target but a lot closer to home) for Wing Night!! Met neighbours Amanda and Kevin and his son Nick. Plus a couple that had a black labrador (I believe) and another dog: mix of chihuahua and dachshund.. Yes, I feel in love!!! The couple was just a little older than me and so so sweet. We talked to the woman, Molly during the whole time we were there, while Patrik and her boyfriend were talking about... God knows what!!
So.. anyways, it sounded like they wanted to take me out sometime *yaay*, so FB and mail it is! ^^
After the meal, the girls went home with Kristie and Patrik took me to BestBuy.. Didn't work that well, next door was a Barnes&Nobles (bookstore!), so.. He kinda lost me for a while - haha! (evil grin)
When Patrik was done (I'm still not, sooo going back there) he drove to Brier Creek and some other mechanical/electric store blablabla, and THEN we went back to Gwynnebrook!
Now: Just out of the shower - still sitting wrapped up in my towel and thinking of what to do next... Want to try putting the pictures on the computer once more. It has GOT to work!!!
Take care, bloggers!
Wake me up-p-p!!
I need to start getting up A LOT earlier in mornings!
Don't want to spoil half the day in bed!
Any ideas?
+ I am NOT going to bed that extremely late either, I could probably sleep around the clock.
Tips, pleeeease!!
6th of July
Andra dagen med regn har, idag ar det dessutom ratt kyligt (atminstone inomhus, har inte kommit mig ut annu^^).
Vad som hittills skett? Stigit upp ur sangen, gjort mig klar, kollat FB, Bloglovin', hotmailen... Typ!
Har tankt att senare idag forsoka ta itu med bilderna - vill ju visa!! - och om det inte funkar kanner jag att jag har huuuur manga kommentarer som helst att svara pa. Har verkligen varit SA SJUKT DALIG pa att svara pa dem...
Ska ta mig en tur ned nu och se vad Patrik, Morgan och Anna har for sig!
Min slo:dag!!
Finally, jag ar nu ikapp med Bloglovin' (igen!). Valdigt dalig pa att halla mig framme nar jag antligen ar dar.
Riktigt trott nu, har varit en riktig slodag. K, P, M och A har suttit och sett filmer hela dagen - tror de hann se en fem-sex filmer. Nu verkar dock hela familjen vara pa vag i sang.
Sjalv har jag lekt lite ordpussel, last en bra bit in i "Sofies varld" av Jostein Gaarder och FORSOKT lagga upp bilder pa datorn, sa jag skulle kunna lagga ut nagra pa bloggen. Detta ledde dock till att datorn fick en blackout och var tvungen att uppdateras i typ tva timmar innan den kunde anvandas igen. Och nu ar jag bara for trott!!! *gaspar*
Funderar dessutom pa att borja skriva pa engelska igen.. Avskyr verkligen denna 'daliga' svenska!!
Forhoppningsvis ska det ga att lagga upp bilder imorgon istallet. Wish me luck!
God natt nu (eller god morgon for er, vilket som), bloggers
Take care/
Good Morning ;)
Klockan ar nu 11.31 AM, vilket innebar halv sex PM for er del.
Nyss uppstigen, pakladd och har fatt det svart pa vitt att jag har smittat Patrik (pappan i familjen) med min sjukdom.
Kanns ju inte sa jattebra da, om jag ska vara arlig!!
Borjar kanna mig sprallig och kan springa uppfor trapporna till rummet lekande latt och sa ligger han i sangen pa andra vaningen, sovandes eller mar skit, pa grund av mig.
Forhoppningsvis blir det battre snart, med massa somn och drickande. Kan ju hoppas pa det iaf :))
Naja, man far se hur det blir med allt. Nu tror jag daremot att frukost ar passande. Kristie har faktiskt(!!) lagat frukosten denna morgon. Fragade Anna om hennes mor lagade god mat. Hon skakade genast pa huvudet. "Sa du tror inte det kommer vara gott?" Skak pa huvudet igen och ett Nooooo som slank ut xD
Harligt med ungar som uppskattar vad man gor, right? ;P
Vilket firande xI
Mitt i nationaldagsfirandet blev jag grymt illamaende, kande mig yr och svimfardig. Gick upp och la mig och vaknade tva timmar senare.
Nu smalls det raketer for fullt har ute (kl ar bara tjugo i tio pa kvallen har) och jag gick precis in igen.
For mycket folk dar ute och for lite ordning. Klarar inte av att se smabarn i stort sett springa ratt in i raketer dar foraldrarna sitter pa en stol bredvid och tafatt ropar lite halvlatt pa sina barn.
Usch nej, foraldrar maste ta sitt ansvar. Halla i barnen om det kravs for att visa pa att det inte ar okej att ga emot saker som kan orsaka barnet stora skador... Christ!!
Sa jag gick in ^^
Kandes lattast sa.
Ska ta och satta mig ned med lite pyssel. Vill ha mysstund och lugnt, med andra ord har jag nog inte aterhamtat mig sa mycket som jag trodde fran sjukdomen.
Da passar det bra med en pysselstund, right? ;)
Take care, olives!!:)
4th of July
Stort firande ute vid poolen nu. Kan bara delta vid sidan av. Tack och lov hade jag inte lunginflammation utan
bronkitus pa engelska: bronkitinflammation?? Who knows!?
Fick lite mediciner (dyra, oh yeah!), sa nu borjar det kannas battre.
Har verkligen varit sjukt dalig pa att uppdatera sedan jag kom till USA. Liiiite daligt samvete man har alltsa!
Kollade in pa Bloglovin' tidigare idag och ar just klar med att lasa alla inlagg, runt 150 stycken (vilket ar ungefar en veckas bloggande).
Orsaken till att jag kunde gora det nu ar att jag tagit upp en av flickornas laptops till mitt rum pa the 3rd floor, som det kallas och jag har nu kunnat sitta relativt ostord. Och nej - den kommer inte vara saknad. Anna (10) har den vanligtvis liggandes pa en av sofforna i vardagsrummet och hon anvander den typ aldrig!
Tidigare idag gjorde jag aven ett litet office space i rummet. De har ett skrivbord som "forlangs" av en hylla och fotografier i tusental (nastan), sa jag flyttade over alla foton till hyllan och tog skrivbordet i besittning!
Kristie (mamman i familjen) sa att hon gillade hur rummet sag ut efter 'ommobleringen' sa jag antar att allt ar okej.
Tanker ta mig en tur ned till poolen nu och se vad alla haller pa med.
Forhoppningsvis finns det lite mat (jag kommer vara "Amerikafet" nar jag kommer tillbaka efter all skrapmat xD)
Skriver senare (dock inte FOR sent hoppas jag! *skammes*)
Och - visst ar det fult att skriva svenska utan a, a, och o... Ni forstar vad jag menar ;P
Take care y'all!! // Cee