Dick and the Bitches (Uh-oh!:p)

Zoey (Nystedt family dog) beside my bed in morning. Need I tell you how scared I get when I wake up in mornings with that nose an inch from my face. Although, with the scream, I instantly get her back ^^

Zoey wondering "What the *beep* is that thing?"

My Adam & Eve StressReleaser, of course!! What did YOU think I use it for :O

Zoey has her sister Penny over for the day. Can you tell the difference? (Z to the left, P to the right)
Fun thing is: Kristie's dog Zoey is sister to Penny, who's Corky's dog - ALSO Kristie and Corky are sisters.
Ain't family a funny thing ;)

In the staircase leading up to the 3rd floor (a.k.a. my room this summer), Penny's eager to get up, Zoey gets half pushed away :p

I turn around for like half a second and then turn back, and then Penny - the sneaky bitch (female dog, yes!) is sneaking up on me. Zoey still playing the 'good dog'. But of course I let them up again ^^ ... And again :p
Postat av: NAISY- Anna i landet Upp och Ner
Hehe vilka gulliga vovvar!
Svar: Nej jag bor i Australien själv, så är intresserad av andras utlandsupplevelser! :)
Postat av: Elin Veronica P
I did think stress release. Endorphins ftw \o/